Export listings from Etsy

Learn how to export listings from Etsy with Shop Uploader.

Standard Exports

We have made a selection of pre-built standard exports for the most common Etsy tasks:

  • Updating inventory
  • Updating prices
  • Updating titles, descriptions, tags
  • Updating images
  • Updating videos

These will export all the necessary data to make the update you selected. Your export will also be ready to update the data, then upload back to Shop Uploader, to make changes quick and easy.

You can also mix and match these exports in-case you want to update a few different things at the same time. For instance, you can update prices and add videos with the same sheet.

Notes on Standard Exports:

  • Exports will include listing_id and title
  • Exports into a Shop Uploader template

Example: Updating Prices

  1. Choose “Export for price update”
  2. Start Export
  3. Wait until it’s completed
  4. Download the Export
  5. Update your prices
  6. Upload to Shop Uploader
  7. ✅ All done!

Custom Exports

Custom exports are more flexible and can be made faster.

Choosing Columns

Custom exports will only include the columns you choose. This helps minimize unnecessary data and makes your export faster.

There are two methods to select columns:

  • Choose sets of columns
  • Choose columns individually

Column sets are groups of columns, such as tags. There’s no need to select all 13 tag headers, you can just select the tags column set.

If you want more control over your columns, you can select each column individually.

Enter columns as text

There is a manual column text entry at the bottom of the column selection form.

Any columns that you in this text area will be included in your export, whether or not there is any data in the column.

You can use this to save your columns without needing to select them each time.

NOTE: Some columns require a special syntax to include via text:

  • *properties will include all the _underscore_columns.
  • *translations will include all the translations.

For example, to export properties and sku, enter this text:


Adding Filters

You can filter your export by:

  • Shop section
  • listing_state
  • listing_id
  • sku

This will restrict the final data to only include listings that satisfy your filters.

Filtering by shop section, listing_state, and listing_id will make your export faster and reduce the total number of requests sent to Etsy.

You can enter your listing_ids and skus as text, which allows you to easily copy from your spreadsheet.


Export template filetype

Exports can be created as .XLSX or .CSV files.

XLSX files are best for simplicity. They ensure consistency with Shop Uploader requirements.

CSV files are best for inter-operability with other software. If you will be modifying your files with Excel, it’s best to choose XLSX as your filetype instead.

Export into Shop Uploader template

Data will be exported into a Shop Uploader template by default. By disabling this, only the columns that you have selected will be included in the CSV file.

Export for migration

Creating an export with the intention of migrating to a new shop requires several modifications. You can skip those extra steps and have the exporter do that work for you.

Duplicate listing data in variation rows

Listings with variations will span multiple rows in a Shop Uploader template.

However, lots of data such as the title and description only applies to the listing as a whole. This data is only exported on the first row of a listing by default.

If you want this data duplicated onto all rows of a listing you can use this option.

This can be helpful when creating automations so that your data is easily available on each row. However, this duplication can cause huge filesizes, especially with lots of variations.

NOTE: Previously this defaulted to true, going forward this defaults to false

Include extra data

Etsy will always export more than just the columns you selected. Do you want to exclude this or include this extra data?

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