Invalid [sku] : '...'

Created Nov 24, 2022

1 min read


Invalid [sku] : ’…’

This means you entered an invalid sku.

skus cannot have: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * + = { } \ | / ? > < . ,


Your sku could either be too long or it contains bad characters.


  1. Max of 32 characters
  2. Must start with a letter or number
  3. Must end with a letter, number, ), or ]

Make sure you are only using the following characters:

  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • - (not by itself, at the beginning, or end)
  • _ (not by itself, at the beginning, or end)
  • ( ) (cannot start with)

For more information please visit the Documentation Page.

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