What are item_weight_unit and item_dimension_unit on Etsy

Updated Sep 30, 2022

4 min read

Knowing which units you are allowed use for measurements is vital when running an online business. Etsy handles this with two categories, the item weight unit and the item dimension unit. This article covers what those are and how to enter them on Etsy and Shop Uploader.

This article covers:

  • What is item_weight_unit?
  • How to enter item weight unit through Etsy
  • How to enter item weight unit with Shop Uploader
  • What is item_dimension_unit?
  • How to enter item dimension unit through Etsy
  • How to enter item dimension unit with Shop Uploader

How to add product weight and dimension units to Etsy?

What is item_weight_unit?

item_weight_unit is the unit in which you weigh your products. You need these units if your product is physical and you select calculated shipping. 

If you have a digital product, it has no weight, meaning no units are needed.

The useable units are as follows:

  • oz
  • lb
  • g
  • kg

How to enter item weight unit through Etsy

Etsy determines your item weight unit from the county in which your shop operates. Each country has different shipping companies, and you are only allowed to use the units they use. Etsy knows what units these shipping companies use and locks you into using the same units. If you are from the United States, your item weight units are lb and oz. If you are from Canada, your units are kg and g.

Image showing a listing's weight units through Etsy.

Other than changing the country you ship from, there is no way to change these units.

How to enter item weight unit with Shop Uploader

The first step to setting your item_weight_unit with shop Uploader is to open your upload template. With this open, find the listing you are editing. Once found, scroll to the right to locate the item_weight_unit column. You enter your item’s weight unit into this column using the dropdown menu.

Image showing a listing's weight units through Shop Uploader.

Do note that you must select the weight units used in your Etsy listings. If you don’t, Etsy won’t show your item’s weight. Additionally, we recommend entering your product’s weight in the smaller units. For example, if you enter 30 oz, Etsy automatically converts it to 1lb and 14oz. However, Etsy does not auto convert the opposite direction. If you entered 1.5 pounds, you get an error saying you must enter a whole number.

If your sell digital products or use fixed shipping, you can leave this and the weight column empty.

What is item_dimension_unit?

item_dimension_unit is the unit in which you measure your products. This category includes your product’s length, width, and height. You need this unit if your product is physical and you select calculated shipping. 

If you have a digital product, it has no dimensions, meaning no units are needed.

The useable units are as follows:

  • in
  • ft
  • mm
  • cm
  • m
  • yd
  • inches

How to enter item dimension unit through Etsy

Etsy determines your item dimension unit from the county in which your shop operates. Each country has different shipping companies, and you are only allowed to use the units they use. Etsy knows what units these shipping companies use and locks you into using the same units. If you are from the United States, your item weight units are inches. If you are from Canada, your units are cm.

Image showing a listing's dimension units through Etsy.

How to enter item dimension unit with Shop Uploader

The first step to setting your item_dimension_unit with shop Uploader is to open your upload template. With this open, find the listing you are editing. Once found, scroll to the right to locate the item_dimension_unit column. You enter your item’s dimension unit into this column using the dropdown menu.

Image showing a listing's dimension units through Shop Uploader.

Do note that you must select the dimension unit used in your Etsy listings. If you don’t, Etsy won’t show your item’s dimensions. 

If your sell digital products or use fixed shipping, you can leave this and the length, width, and height columns empty.

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