Upload products, variations, and inventory to Etsy

Shop Uploader helps you eliminate manual work and save time. Manage your shop directly from your spreadsheet.

Get started for free It only takes 15 minutes to upload your first listing. Free for 7-days.

Supercharge your workflow

Upload your new product line and update your entire catalog with a single spreadsheet — one upload and you're done.

Prepare your data in one

Simple Template

With just a


sku title description
VX-K01C3 Handmade Kar... There's nothing ...
VX-K01C4 Handmade Kar... There's nothing ...
VX-K01C5 Handmade Kar... There's nothing ...
MP-R4QZ Ornate Quartz ... An ornate quartz...
MP-OB11 Black Obsidian ... Volcanic glass h...
BP-SA04 Burlap Pouch ... Your collection i...
BP-SA06 Burlap Pouch ... Your collection i...
BP-SA07 Burlap Pouch ... Your collection i...
TR4 Illustrated Trai... The complete tr...

Create or update with one upload

It Does Everything

That's it — really

Etsy is done

The most powerful
tool for Etsy sellers

Stop wasting time with manual work. Save hours every month by working smarter.

Creating Etsy listings can take a while.
10 listings takes 60+ minutes and
100 listings, 10+ hours.

And that's not photographing product images or writing titles, That's just entering the data on Etsy.

Stop doing data entry, start doing business.

Get started for free

No manual steps.

Why would you settle for a listing tool that doesn't handle everything? We think you shouldn't.

That's why Shop Uploader detects and automates manual steps so that you don't even have to think about it.

Upload variation images and the app will link them to your variations automatically.

Get started for free

Update inventory quantities for
1000+ SKUs in only 5 minutes.

Shop Uploader's not just for creating product listings.
We are building the most powerful tool for Etsy sellers. That means tools that make it easy to run your shop too.

Our inventory uploads save one user 20+ hours each month.
How would you like to get 20 hours back?

Get started for free

How much could you save with Shop Uploader?

15+ hrs ⏱ monthly
Managing 100 listings
$225 👷‍♂️ that costs you
$15 hourly rate
$216 💰 You save
Hobby plan is only $9
View the breakdown below 👇
Task Time to Complete # of Listings or
# of Products
Frequency / mo Total
Creating new
product listings
5-10minutes 100 -- 16.7hours
Updating existing
product listings
3-7minutes 100 11.7hours
Updating product
10-30seconds 500 3.3hours
Total hours
saved monthly

Where do these numbers come from? These time estimates are from experimental research where experienced Etsy product managers were creating and updating listings, with all product data prepared beforehand in a spreadsheet. Similar results are not guaranteed.

The most powerful
tool for Etsy sellers